Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Our Children Have No Value

Our Children Have No Value

If they did we would not traffic them
If they did we would not leave guns in places they could reach
If they did we would spend more on education than war
If they did we would practice safe sex
If they did we would make sure they have free health care from birth to 18
If they did we would make sure they are fed only healthy food
If they did we would not medicate them because they don’t behave the way we want them to
If they did we would not use them for slave labor
If they did we would put books in their hands instead of phones
If they did parks would be full
If they did we would not make them play year round multi sports
If they did we would not have the highest infant mortality rate in the developed world
If they did we would care for the planet that will be their home
If they did we would not leave them in hot cars
If they did we would see every child as our child, a small human being to be loved, protected, cherished and guided.

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